Why sleep is necessary?

You may have heard many people talking about their habit of sleeping less, but lack of sleep can affect our mind and physical health of the body in an amazing way. Even knowing about those who sleep less, you will begin to doubt their decisions and rationality. Walker is a professor of psychology at the University of California, he wrote the book Why We Sleep. This book could change your life. In his opinion, people have become very busy and try to do a lot quickly. The evidence that has emerged Is that they don’t sleep.

Why is it important to sleep?

Studies of millions of patients have shown that sleep and age are directly related. The less sleep you get, the younger you will be. So, if you want to live longer and be healthier, do what it takes to get enough sleep.

 Sleep is a recipe for keeping yourself healthy that costs nothing and is not a bitter medicine. which people are reluctant to drink. In fact, the benefits of sleep are so great that Professor Walker has begun to convince doctors to prescribe sleep as a treatment for their patients. There are many benefits of sleeping which are necessary for the mental and physical health of the body.

There is no part of the mind and body that is not badly affected by less sleep, but sleep should be natural because sleeping pills can cause other diseases.

Sleep deprivation affects the mind and body

Many diseases that cause death in most countries are associated with sleep deprivation. This includes dementia, cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, mental discomfort, and suicidal ideation. Sleep play’s vital role in body and mental functioning.

Because the breakdowns in our body and mind are repaired during sleep and we wake up refreshed. But if the sleep is not complete, the repair is also incomplete

. “After 50 years of scientific research, sleep experts say the question is not” “What are the benefits of sleep” “but” “Is there anything that doesn’t benefit from sleep.” “

How much time is enough to sleep?

Why sleep is necessary?
Why sleep is necessary?

It’s a short answer Seven to nine hours.

Less than seven hours of sleep affects physical and mental performance and the body’s immune system against diseases.

Staying awake for 20 hours has the same effect on a person. Like taking more than the legal limit of a drug.

One of the problems with sleep deprivation is that you don’t immediately realize its ill effects.

It’s exactly the same Just like a person who is intoxicated considers himself to be completely alright. But you know it’s not right.

Getting some deep sleep?

In many developed countries in the past 100 years, there has been a marked decline in sleep. Now people do not get deep sleep to which they do not even dream. However, having a dream is essential for our creativity and mental health. (Deep sleep is also known as REM sleep or rapid eye movement sleep.) That is, the sleep in which the eyes are lost moves quickly and good dreams come.

Other deep sleep or REM provides first aid for us on an emotional level, but there are many reasons for poor sleep. Ignorance Importance of Sleep Although scientists realize the importance of sleep, they have not yet tried to educate the public about it.

Most people do not realize its importance, so they do not think much about it.

The Speed of Life

People spend a lot of time working and traveling. People leave early in the morning and come home late in the evening.

Many People also like to spend time with family and friends. Watch TV for a while. All of this results in a lack of sleep.

Perceptions and attitudes about sleep.

One of the biggest problems is sleep.

 If you tell someone that nine hours of sleep is necessary, they will look at you strangely. Because the common people think that only a poor person sleeps for so long.

The habit of sleeping too much has become so notorious that people are proud of how little they sleep. In comparison, when a child sleeps more, it is considered good.

Sleep is considered essential for children’s development.

But as we age, our sleep habits change. Rather, those who sleep more are reprimanded.

Around and Around

We are losing the darkness of the night.

We need a hormone or chemical substance ‘melatonin’ for good and healthy sleep, which our body produces only in the dark.

Unfortunately, one of the effects of industrial development is that we are now constantly bathed in light.

It gets worse with LED screens. Blue light reduces the production of melatonin.

Why sleep is necessary?
Why sleep is necessary?

Is it possible to repair the damage?

Yes and no: The time that has passed may not come back, but a good change can be brought at any time. The idea that you can make up for lost sleep later is wrong.

Therefore, sleeping less throughout the week and sleeping excessively on holidays can never make up for the lost sleep.

For this, it is necessary to change the daily routine and give full time to sleep. It will be of immediate benefit. There is evidence of it.

For example, a study of a group (which had more snoring and shortness of breath due to sleep disorders) found that those who did not complete their sleep continued to have complaints. However, those who changed their habits and began to sleep deeply benefited from it.

And I wish it could be!

This happens in the case of fat. When there is good and more food available, it is stored in our body and in case of lack of food, this fat dissolves and gives us energy.

But it is not possible to sleep because this is the problem of modern times. This was not the case in human evolution. Therefore, sleep can neither be calculated nor can it be paid in advance.

in advance.

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